Monday, December 3, 2012

CCF Projects

Hey there,

Most recently I've been asked to use my creative talents to for the greater good. A.k.a. helping out my church with its visual communications projects. This will involve creating sermon series posters, covers for the bulletin handouts, advertisements for upcoming events and... most recently helping design our church coffee bar cards.

This is what I can up with:

Once agin credit where credit is due, I did use a downloadable business card template from, which I tweaked to my purposes.

While we're on the subject can I tell you how much I love I'm paying $7 a month (same as Netflix) but I'm getting access to vectors, brushes, textures and downloadable templates to use in any project I want. Can we say sweet!? And they have amazing quality stuff! Some of their materials are offered for free, or you can pay for individual packs if you don't want to sign up for member ship (sort of like pay as you go) but in the long run it's way cheaper to just join. I highly recommend it.


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